Aside from meeting Luke, I also got to spend a lot of time with some of my favorite people. It was an amazing visit. On to the pictures.

Here he is, so so sooooo cute. But of course you can see that.

Grandma Bev

Grandpa Chuck and Luke size each other up

Uncle Ben gets a turn.

Here he is awake.

My Grandparents, Luke's Great Grandparents.

Ok, so this is hardly a great photo of any of us, but I'm posting it anyway. The reason being that this is my entire family. This visit home was the first time that all of us had been in one place at one time in nearly three years. Soooo, in case anyone who doesn't already know who is who and actually cares, back row left to right is Ron, James, Tim and Ben. Middle row is Greg, Chuck (Dad), Bev (Mom) and Andrea. Front row is Laura, Luke, Wes, me and Joseph. I realize that I have a big family. I know when I tell people that I am third out of seven kids that they will be surprised. I know that since we are now thirteen people, that seems like a lot to most people. Most of the time though, it doesn't really seem like we're that big of a family. When I see this picture though, I know that we are.

It was a really great visit and I am hoping to make it back this summer. In the mean time, spring has finally decided to come to Vermont and there are lots of other things to look forward to here. I love the summers in Vermont, swimming in the river and getting ice cream cones, gardening with my friends, just being able to be out in the sunshine again. I'm getting new glasses, which I am excited about. Joseph graduates in a few weeks. This is a little bittersweet but we are happy that some of our friends are sticking around. Right after that, we are moving down the street to a slightly bigger apartment. Things I'm looking forward to about that are: two small closets instead of one, a full sized stove, more space in general, and most of all, a bedroom.