Here in Vermont we have had a lot of snow. Basically since a day or two before Thanksgiving, the ground has been covered and most of the time, quite thickly. Sidewalks have snow walls a foot or two high and it's tough to see around corners because of the mountains of snow. Here's a few pictures of the snow.

It may interest you to know that these pictures were taken from our rental car after we dropped our car off at the shop. Why was it in the shop? Because I was in a small fender bender which I blame almost entirely on this beautiful snow. The fact that our car doesn't have snow tires might have had a small part in things too though. In any case, this was all about a month ago and everyone is completely fine, including our trusty little car, Douglas.
I hate being cold so I've been spending almost all my time indoors lately. To keep me busy and to help me feel a little more productive than just playing video games all day, I knit. I've been knitting a lot lately and I love it. I'm very into small projects that go quickly enough that I don't get bored or discouraged. I am planning on making a sweater soon though. Anyway, since I knit my purse, I have knit two scarves, one turtle, one elephant and one convertible glove (the other one is on it's way). I'm feeling very productive. So, here are the ones I have photographed so far.

Here is the turtle. I made him for my nephew, who is due two months from yesterday. Can you tell I'm excited to be an Auntie?

His shell comes off!

After I finished the turtle, my friend Jake started knitting an elephant. When I saw the pattern I couldn't resist so nephew-to-be is getting two toys. One for Christmas and one for his birthday.

Joseph asked if I could knit something like this for him. So this was his Christmas present, though it was late, and not much of a surprise since I made him try it on every couple of rows.

Here he is, my handsome husband, showing off his new convertible glove with the top back.
More pictures to come soon. Really. I'm so serious.
That is the CA-UTEST turtle that I have ever seen. I was going to wait till you got here to tell you how much I like it, but I've been chuckling to myself all evening ever since I saw the picture of it.
Talk to you soon!
Your toys are great! and I really love the convertible glove. Send me the pattern, OK?
Oh my god! I want to make that turtle!! Does he come out of his shell? Where did you get the pattern? Your elephant looks great too, I like how the tail turned out a lot.
becca, my baby NEEDS a turtle! Please?
Love you sister! these are going to be little (David if you talk to Mom or Henry Bucksnort if you talk to Greg's Dad)'s favorite toys, I'm sure of it. They will get beat up and dragged through the dirt very quickly and I'm sure we will never be able to go anywhere overnight without them! I LOVE them! It feels like he is coming very quickly now and that you will be here next week instead of in five weeks. Auntie Ruth is planning a baby shower and trying to figure out Easter with the Regiers at the same time and she told me that all the aunties can't wait to see you as a little auntie so they want to be sure to have at least one of those get-togethers when you and the baby will both be there! (-; Of course I wish you guys lived closer, but even far away you are already an amazing auntie. By the way you are going to have to decide very quickly if you actually want to be an "Auntie" or an "Aunt" or just Becca like Annette did because the Regier aunties are very quickly turning you into an auntie too.
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