Friday, September 19, 2008

No, it's not the rapture

This weekend is the Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival down in Winfield Kansas. My family goes every year and camps out. This is the fourth year in a row I have missed it and the fifth time I've missed it since I was born. I feel a little like I'm away from home on the holidays.

When I was a kid, I was in Sunday School with my cousin Greg that my Aunt Donna (his mom) was teaching. They are the only ones in our family who don't go to Winfield, which Greg wasn't happy about. Donna was talking about the rapture which some Mennonites believe in and some don't. She told us that sometimes she tries to call several people and no one is home and she wonders to herself if the rapture happened and she was left behind. Greg added that really, everyone is just at Winfield. Greg told us later that he didn't get any dessert that day.

I hope everyone is having a great year at Winfield and staying dry. I love you guys and miss you. Somebody better eat a Navajo taco for me.


spiderwart said...

I did! I would have packaged it up and sent it to you if I could have. Mom said you and she were looking up airline tickets on while talking on the phone before winfield but they were $800! We missed you sister! I'm going to work on my Winfield post so hopefully you can see it by tomorrow at the latest. Love you!

vintage navelgazer said...

Hi Bec!

Your post reminds me of something that happened this weekend. Our area was pretty noisy and at 7:00 am yesterday morning everything was silent. Daniel commented about it later and I said something about wondering if the rapture had happened and we'd been left behind. He laughed and answered, 'Yeah, and all the drunks were taken!'

Anonymous said...

I had never heard the no-dessert part of that story. :) I wish you could have been there. One of these years, you'll be back...

Love you.


spiderwart said...

Mom said you two talked a really long time today and that more blogging is in your near future! I can't wait! I miss you sister!

spiderwart said...

Ok, I think it is time for another post! (-: I am severely sister deprived right now. Love you and miss you tons!!!!