Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Christmas time is here!

So this is obviously very late to be posting Christmas-type pictures but I'm gonna go for it anyway.

I wanted a tree but couldn't bring myself (or our budget) to fork over $20 for a three-foot tree (which was all we had room for). Joseph and I went back and forth over it, mostly as my sentimental nature swelled and I regained my senses again. Finally, we realized that we already had all we needed, thanks to Joseph not tossing out the cardboard from the futon we got a while back. Here it is, in most of it's glory.


I later added a popcorn string, a paper star and some paper snowflakes but I haven't uploaded any pictures of that yet, maybe later I will.

On Christmas day we had a quiet little celebration with our friends Bryan and Amanda Ann at their lovely home. Some of their relatives had sent them some food and I managed to get a couple things from work so very little actual cooking was done by us. We were very grateful for that since Amanda Ann and I both had to work the day before and after.

Girls 3

Here is us not cooking in the kitchen.

Christmas Spread

Our tasty spread.

Amanda Ann

She's my friend. Isn't she adorable?

Christmas 06

Here we all are, ready to enjoy our dinner. That's Rodger in the front, hoping there will be scraps.

Girls' hair

After dinner we compared hair to see whose is longest. I won, but just by a little bit.


Then we played Taboo while Rodger took up more than his share of the couch, as usual. Thanks to Bryan and Amanda Ann for having us over and putting up with us. We love you guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My parents took down their Christmas tree just last week, so you're still fine by Regier time. I'm so so so sad I was gone while you when you were here. (You did come, right?) I hope that was a wonderful time to be home with family and friends.

Holy cow, that's some long hair there!

I like the photos of work, and especially that you have Galahad flour.

miss you lots, love you lots.