Sunday, April 15, 2007

So it's April here in Vermont and it won't stop snowing. Actually, it's rained some this morning but we're supposed to get 10 inches of snow by sometime tomorrow. It is still pretty I guess but I'm sooooo sick of winter. I need spring.

These pictures are actually from a few months ago but everything looks the same. This one is early on during a big snow.

Backyard's first snow

Here is the same car after a few hours.


That is our bathroom window behind that pile of snow. We can see out of it a little more right now but maybe not by tomorrow.


A couple weeks ago it warmed up a little (mid 50s) and robins and red-winged blackbirds showed up. The poor things are still here, singing from the tops of snow covered trees. I know how they feel. I'm ready for spring too.

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