These pretty little flowers grew all over our yard.
These lovely tulips grew in front of our house and as soon as they were done, they mysteriously disappeared. They were replaced by, in my opinion, not terribly nice annuals. Oh well.
This orchid did not grow in our yard. Joseph brought it home from a drawing class.
In other news, Joseph cut my hair. When I was in DEO, my dear Laurel cut my hair regularly. After she moved back to Iowa, no one would cut my hair and I couldn't bring myself to pay for a hair cut. So I decided to grow my hair out, at least partly out of cheapness and laziness. I did love my long hair but it was getting out of hand and the ends were awful. It had been, after all, over three years since it had gotten so much as a trim. Here is a nice picture my friend Jacie took of Joseph and I pre-haircuts. This is in Burlingtion on our way home from Montreal.
Here is the chopped off hair. I measured a lock and it was 10 inches.
Here I am with my still long, but much shorter hair.
That's all the pictures for today but I hope to update soon with some pictures of my brand new baby garden. Actually it's not strictly mine, Amanda Ann is letting me help her plant a garden. I am extremely greatful. I really hope to get to eat things out of it but in all honesty, I am happy just to hang out barefoot in the dirt on a beautiful spring evening with a good friend.
One other thing, I am going to my first comic convention. Mocca is June 23 and 24 and Joseph and I are making the trek to NYC along with many of our CCS friends. I'm pretty excited as I've never been to New York before either and we will get to see lots of friends old and new.
hello from the heartland...just wandering around and thought of you all...thanks for sharing images of your life.
Hi, I enjoyed the pics and the update. Have a great weekend!
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